Virtual multithreading based on STM32 (TI_BLE protocol stack_ZStack ...

STM32-based virtual multi-threading can be well used in bare-metal programs to simulate the multi-threading concept of small operating systems. This example refers to the TI_BLE protocol stack_ZStack protocol stack.

Virtual multithreading based on STM32 (TI_BLE protocol stack_ZStack protocol stack)

#include "Hal_Led / Hal_Led.h"

#include "Hal_delay / delay.h"

#include "Hal_Key / Hal_Key.h"

#include "ringbuffer.h"

#define APP_LED2_BLINK_EVENT 0x0001

#define HAL_LED1_BLINK_EVENT 0x0001


unsigned short Hal_ProcessEvent (unsigned char task_id, unsigned short events);

unsigned short App_ProcessEvent (unsigned char task_id, unsigned short events);

typedef unsigned short uint16;

typedef unsigned char uint8;

#define TASK_CNT 2 // Define the number of threads

// Define function pointer

typedef unsigned short (* pTaskEventHandlerFn) (unsigned char task_id, unsigned short events);

// Thread function table

const pTaskEventHandlerFn tasksArr [] =





const unsigned char tasksCnt = sizeof (tasksArr) / sizeof (tasksArr [0]);

// uint16 * tasksEvents;

uint16 tasksEvents [TASK_CNT] = {0}; // Each thread has 16 bit field space for setting events

staTIc uint8 acTIveTaskID = 0xFF; // Current task ID, indicating role

#define SUCCESS 0x00

#define FAILURE 0x01

#define INVALID_TASK 0x02

uint8 osal_set_event (uint8 task_id, uint16 event_flag)


if (task_id <tasksCnt)


tasksEvents [task_id] | = event_flag; // Stuff the event bit (s)

return (SUCCESS);




return (INVALID_TASK);



/ **

* @brief program entry

* @param none

* @return none

* /

int main (void)


unsigned short taskID = 0;

uint8 idx = 0;

SystemInit (); // System clock initialization

delayInit (72); // Initialize tick timer

Led_Init (); // LED initialization

NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig (NVIC_PriorityGroup_2);

osal_set_event (0, HAL_LED1_BLINK_EVENT);

osal_set_event (1, APP_LED2_BLINK_EVENT);

while (1)




if (tasksEvents [idx]) // Pulse training knows which thread needs to be processed





while (++ idx <tasksCnt);

if (idx <tasksCnt)


uint16 events;

events = tasksEvents [idx];

tasksEvents [idx] = 0; // Clear events in the event array

acTIveTaskID = idx;

events = (tasksArr [idx]) (idx, events); // Call thread function


tasksEvents [idx] | = events; // Add unprocessed events to the event group of this thread


delayMs (1000);



/ **

* @brief application layer processing

* @param none

* @r

* /

unsigned short Hal_ProcessEvent (unsigned char task_id, unsigned short events)


if (events & HAL_LED1_BLINK_EVENT)


Led_Reverse (1);

return events ^ HAL_LED1_BLINK_EVENT; // Clear events



/ **

* @brief hardware control thread

* @param none

* @r

* /

unsigned short App_ProcessEvent (unsigned char task_id, unsigned short events)


if (events & APP_LED2_BLINK_EVENT)


Led_Reverse (2);

return events ^ APP_LED2_BLINK_EVENT; // Clear events

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